Interesting method...

January 22, 2004 at 11:49 PM

For those of you who (like me) are nerdy computer-types, here's an interesting bit of code I just wrote:

 * Convert given Binary Search Tree into an ordered linked list.
 * @param root the BinaryNode that is the root of the tree to order and link
 * @return the first Link in the ordered linked list
 * @author Brendan Ribera - January 2004
public Link linkUp(BinaryNode root) {
  // base case; node has no children
  //(list is Link of node alone)
  if (root.left == null && root.right == null)
    return new Link(;

  // node has two children
  else if (root.left != null && root.right != null) {
    Link rightSide = linkUp(root.right);
    Link mid = new Link(, rightSide);
    Link leftSide = linkUp(root.left);
    Link temp = leftSide;
    while ( != null)
      temp =; = mid;
    return leftSide;

    // node has one child, right side
  } else if (root.right != null) {
    Link rightSide = linkUp(root.right);
    return new Link(, rightSide);

    // node has one child, left side
  } else { // if (root.left != null)
    Link mid = new Link(;
    Link leftSide = linkUp(root.left);
    Link temp = leftSide;
    while ( != null)
      temp =; = mid;
    return leftSide;

It's a Java method that takes a given Binary Search Tree root and returns the first Link in a linked list representing all that tree's data, in order.

This method is cool conceptually, but due to it's recursive nature, it's a real memory hog and isn't very fast (look at the case where the Binary Node has two children--that case recursively calls both children; costly costly costly!).

Iterative would be a much better way to do it, but recursive things are just so fun!