Exciting news...

November 10, 2007 at 1:22 PM

Jessica is pregnant again! She's approximately 7 weeks along, which means we just passed the point at which we lost the first one. Things seem to be going very well; in fact, I'd say that she's one of the happiest victims of Morning sickness to date.

We've been having a lot of fun preparing food suited for pregnancy — I have seen more kale consumed in the past weeks than I have during the rest of my life — but the best part is flipping (with eager anticipation) through the copy of A Child is Born that Jessica bought. That book has some amazing pictures of children's in utero development (I describe one of my favorites as "a fried wonton filled with caviar").

Jessica, the day we found out she was pregnant again
Jessica, the day we found out she was pregnant again

Anyway, I just thought I'd share the incredible news.